VietRubber Company announced to customers the direct phone number:

When ordering, please do one of the following information:

Mail to Viet Rubber by clicking here: Contact
Or phone to phone numbers (from 8:00 to 15:00):
Call Center: +84 274 267 1144, ext. 119: Technical department.
Direct phone numbers:
Printing and packaging products
                                                            +84 98 380 7553 - Mr. Ho Ngoc Tan

                                                            +84 39 337 1199 - Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tuan

Products of Joint industry
                                                             +84 86 638 1188 - Mr. Nguyen Van Hao

                                                             +84 97 852 1155 - Mr. Huynh Thanh Tam

Rubber shaft products:
                 +84 98 559 1133 - Mr. Tran Nguyen Thanh Duy

Polyurethane products:
                 +84 96 289 1122 - Mr. Ho Van Hau

Best regards